Educational patterns discovered thanks to Down Syndrome patients.

As the son of a teacher working with kids with Down Syndrome and other disorders limiting brain functioning, I know how these people are.

With a single phrase they can bring a lasting smile to your face.

This group is, however important for society but perceived as hard to research due to the intellectual constraints of the participants and various ethical concerns.

I want to encourage anybody who sits on the fence whether to research the topic or not, to do it.

Despite, all sorts of benefits for this particular group of people, it holds a greater significance for the whole population; especially for the learning processes.

Ddiscovering an educational pattern, that works for people with intellectual disabilities is a great promise also for healthy ones. It is because the pattern or method, probably is based on the instinctual and biological fundaments that are common for everyone, and the psychological (in this case) disruptors are not present.

We can therefore see more clearly what works and what doesn't simply because some brain parts are inactive.